Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tire 16.03.08

They were here before us
we were here before us

My great grandfather who fled
(a flight similar to those who were here before us)
to found a dynasty, here on this patch of earth
one that perpetually warred
perpetually laid to ruin
all that he had ferreted
from those
that were here before us

we were here before us

the birds still chant
to the same tune
tempered by marble columns
imported from the ends of the Empire

red earth brick and round shaped domes
and that colour of blue in the sky
over the same old grey-green olive trees
they still chant in concert
with the church bells
and the call of the müezzin

they still sing to the birth of the praised one
as I today salute the dead
great grandfather who fled
and thus was named

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