Wednesday, July 19, 2006


back in Istanbul with my domestic feuds with mom, this house is teetering on the edge of collapse...
40 years' worth of memorabilia, each as unthrow-away-able as my TLS issues from 2001, or my 97 Berkeley guide to England, so consider the green dress she wore on that picnic in 1978....
I have to make space for Jean Rhys once again in my room, push the Arabic dictionary to the side, the Morocco guide to the left, and possibly throw away the Goldhagen book (but the sweet memory of my huge black bag as my new porsche and sweet m had noticed and i had turned away the head) and whenever shall I start reading Spencer again? Throw away Langland perhaps? The Marlowe volume looks decorative so that'll have to remain. And the books never returned to Irem... now I wonder what she'd think of my German

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