Saturday, January 15, 2011

English Words

Oh daughters of Jerusalem,

Give me today

My daily split infinitive

That I may speak about over

Dark coffee, sitting at dark benches


Oh daughters of Jerusalem

Give me today

My heavy expletive

That I may chuckle head tilted back

And brush it off with a hand gesture

Cutting through the thick fog of


Oh daughters of Jerusalem

Give me a moment or a lifetime

Of your speeches and soliloquies

as I listen and watch, through a glass,



Anonymous said...

Now and again my mind alights on your name, Suddenly
I smile to think of one who can move so unburdenly
I am pushed and pulled through life from place to place
You flit about of your own accord, freely, suddenly

How many lives do you enter and then leave so suddenly?
How many sighs have others heaved like so, saying "ah, Suddenly..."
Pay them no mind, dear, one must be free to come and go,
To venture from the kışlak to where they grow flowers buddingly

-"Be like a leaf in a brook that dips and flows suddenly"
-"No, be as a date-palm, deeply rooted and unmoving, leadenly"
The poets argue over models for life and metaphors
I reject them all, saying, "I'll be like the one named Suddenly!"

nagihun said...

Hanife darling, is this you?

Anonymous said...

No, just an anonymous admirer of yours :)

nagihun said...

I fear, being in Turkey, you cannot log onto the blog any more, dear admirer