Tuesday, August 29, 2006

letteral approach II

the letters slanting to the left, no not like my writing at all. This is what happens when I don't want to write, really, but something forces me, to keep myself occupied, and I try out different orthographies, usually, what I imagine to be 'European' orthography. I have some image in my head of what it should look like, who knows whose hand writing it is I am trying to emulate, something I have seen on television? something I observed in a friend? or could it possibly be Dyson's?

at all events, he looks at my 'European' letters scrawled on the paper as sorry excuses for a note and asks me whether it is my handwriting. I smile, happy to see I have disoriented him as well. I tell him yes. He says it doesn't look like my handwriting at all. I scream inside and say "When are you going to recognize the other in me?"

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